So landlords…what’s your agent’s plan for the ban?
With the Tenant Fee Ban looming large on the horizon I think agents adopting a “who blinks first approach” is going to leave an awful lot of landlords exposed to voids at a time of falling rents and increasing stock.
Our approach at Boothroyd and Company has been one of engagement with clients and having them actively involved in decisions that not only affect them, but also affects our ability to continue to provide them an award winning service. The answer we have received resoundingly is that our landlord clients value the security of dealing with an agent with our reputation for excellence.
However, what is apparent, is the lack of awareness amongst many landlords to not only what the ban is, but how it affects them. With the impact of the changes already being felt it is not a place I would wish any of my clients to be, at least without all of the facts and knowing their options.
So, if you are a landlord who is not up to date on these changes, we would like to extend to you a once in a lifetime offer to have your property managed by Boothroyd & Company’s Award Winning Letting Team. All you would need to do is contact our team on 01926 857244 or email lettings@boothroyd.co.uk and we will happily guide you through our service and our offer for the management of your investment.
We look forward to hearing from you.