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Glebe Place, Leamington Spa

Full Details

Glebe Place is situated off Leam Terrace within a cul de sac with allotment gardens at the end of the road.

Recessed front door with panelled and glazed door leading into

Wood laminate flooring, radiator, fitted coat hooks, staircase rising to first floor with banister rails, multi-paned pine door leads through to the

LOUNGE AREA (4.04 x 3.18)
Radiator, living flame effect coal gas fire with hearth, wood laminate flooring, PVCu double glazed front bay window, meter cupboard and broad archway to

DINING AREA (3.23 x 3.66)
Matching wood laminate flooring, radiator, PVCu double glazed window, under stairs recess with fitted shelving, laminate flooring and a multi paned pine door leads to the:

KITCHEN (2.51 x 2.13)
Fitted with beech base and wall units with brushed steel handles, rounded edge work surfaces with inset one and a half bowl single drainer stainless steel sink unit with mixer tap, ceramic tiled splash backs, four ring gas brushed steel hob with illuminated cooker filter above, single electric fan oven, space for upright fridge/freezer, space and plumbing for automatic washing machine, vinyl flooring, glazed door to outside.

Access to roof space. and doors off to:

DOUBLE BEDROOM 1 (3.96 x 4.57)
Radiator, PVCu double glazed window to the fore.

DOUBLE BEDROOM 2 (3.61 x 2.59)
Radiator and a PVCu double glazed window to the rear.

BATHROOM (2.57 x 2.08)
Fitted with a white suite that comprises a panelled bath with fully tiled surround, mains fed over bath shower with rail and curtain, pedestal wash hand basin with tiled splash back, low level w.c., PVCu double glazed window with obscure glazing and tiled sill, vinyl floor covering, built-in boiler cupboard and a radiator.

To the rear of the property is a courtyard garden with blue brick pathway leading to rear pedestrian gate being fully enclosed by brick surrounding walls.

All mains services are connected

The property is Freehold