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Siddeley Avenue, Kenilworth

Full Details

Approached over a block paved driveway to an enclosed porch with internal panelled and opaque double-glazed front door with panelled insets leading into the

Reception Hall
With radiator, ceiling spot light, two double glazed windows to side, temperature control clock for the central heating, panelled door to under stairs storage cupboard housing the electric and gas meters and 18th edition electric isolation unit, panelled door through to the kitchen and door to

Living/Dining Room
With coving, range of ceiling downlighters, radiator, leaded double glazed window to front, wall mounted gas bar fire (disconnected). With quarry tiled hearth, inset brick and oak mantle

Dining Area
With ceiling down lights, coving, radiator, double glazed sliding patio doors to rear, servicing hatch to kitchen.

Fitted with a range of matching matching wooden base and wall units with marble effect rounded edge work surfaces, single drainer white composite sink and chrome mixer tap, ceramic tiling to splash back, double glazed window to rear and door to side, space and plumbing for washing machine, slot in Hotpoint electric oven grill with hob, space for under counter fridge and freezer, ceiling strip light, extractor fan.

First Floor Landing
With opaque double glazed window to side, central light, access to insulated and boarded loft space with retractable ladder panelled doors leading off to

Double Bedroom One
With radiator, ceiling light, leaded double glazed window to front, built in open fronted wardrobe recces with hanging rail and cupboard above.

Double Bedroom Two
With central light, radiator, double glazed window to rear, built in double wardrobes with hanging rail and cupboard above.

Bedroom Three
With radiator, leaded double glazed window, coving, ceiling light.

Three-piece grey suite, low level w.c., pedestal wash and basin, panelled bath with Triton electric shower, radiator, opaque double-glazed window and airing cupboard with shelves.

Rear Garden
Fully enclosed by perimeter fencing, predominantly laid to lawn with full width block paved patio. To the side of the property there is a driveway with ample parking for 3 cars to the garage together with a timber gate.

With metal up and over door to front, glazed window, pedestrian door access to the garden.

To the front of the property there is a lawned fore garden and screening hedging with a block paved driveway.

The property freehold.

All mains’ services are connected; Mobile coverage

Vodafone Three

18 Mbps Superfast 177 Mbps Ultrafast 1000 Mbps
Satellite / Fibre TV Availability


Fixtiures And Fittings
All fittings and fixtures as mentioned in our sales particulars are included; all others are expressly excluded.